The Fit Over 40 Podcast by TRINITY Ep 234 - How To Lose 2 Stones Before Christmas (Around Menopause) Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / 18:31 Subscribe Share Apple Podcasts Spotify RSS Feed Share Link...
Have you gained weight on holiday? Here’s what to do for women over 40. At this time of year, it’s really common for people to have gained weight on holiday. Perhaps you’ve gone away for a week or two, only to come back and find you’ve gained half a stone or more....
Worried about gaining weight this summer? Here are 5 hacks to avoid holiday weight gain as a women over forty. We’ve spoken to plenty of women over forty who have holidays coming up this summer. A running theme is concerns around gaining weight while away from...