Fed up of mainstream diets? Here’s how to lose 1-2 stone in 12 weeks as a women over forty.
For many women over forty, weight gain has a huge impact on their life.
Over the past eight years, we’ve helped over 6,000 women over 40 lose up to 7.5 stone of stubborn weight… and keep it off long term.
These were all women who had struggled to lose weight in the past, and weren’t seeing any movement on the scales – no matter what they tried. When you’re in this situation, this makes it difficult to enjoy life to the fullest.
Often, women in this situation resort to living in baggy tops and elasticated waistbands. They end up wearing baggy clothes cover problem areas, instead of what they like. Plus, with a whole wardrobe full of amazing outfits they can no longer wear, it can be incredibly demoralising.
Despite all this, we’ve helped these women to remove the barriers blocking them from seeing results. We’ve helped them quickly and easily turn it all around, lose the excess weight, regain their confidence… and get back to feeling amazing in all of their clothes!
In our recent podcast episode, we lay out how to lose a 1-2 stone in 12 weeks or less as a women over forty. All without having to sacrifice your career, give up time with your family… and ban your evening glass of wine!
Start by resetting your brain-food connection
Trying to eat better when your brain is hooked on sugary foods or alcohol never works. This is especially true if you use these foods to deal with emotion… Additionally, sugary foods can disrupt your hormones, which actually makes the problem worse! This is not ideal when it comes to losing 1-2 stone in a few weeks.
In our experience, it’s almost impossible to wean yourself off these foods gradually. We recommend going cold turkey to reset your cravings. This isn’t as scary as it sounds!
Like a computer running slowly, you have to restart to get it to work properly again.
So, what’s the solution? We recommend to cut out foods that are high in calories and control cravings for 1-2 weeks. This will reset your body and help you to get into better habits with food and drink.
We recommend cutting out:
- Wheat
- Alcohol
- Dairy
- Sugar
We do this inside our Fit Over 40 program using a process called the Diet Makeover, and it has an incredibly high success rate!
Exercise in a way that keeps stress levels low
Doing no exercise or movement will mean you have to starve yourself to see results. This is incredibly unsustainable! However, it is very common when working from home…
On the other hand, the opposite also doesn’t work. Too much intense exercise, combined with a stressful job/lifestyle, causes chronically high stress hormone levels. This leads to no results. Examples of this include:
- Spinning
- Long runs etc…
The solution is to do exercise that keeps stress hormone levels low… but delivers BIG results. For example, LIST training (low-impact strength training) and upping step count. This:
- Builds muscle and tones
- Burns fat
- Keeps stress levels healthy
We do this inside our Fit Over 40 program with just 3 LIST sessions a week. Our clients typically lose 1-2 stone over a 12 week period!
Proactively manage stress levels
You can’t get rid of all the stress coming in. With work pressures, back-to-back meetings, fire-fighting etc… it can all get too much. Plus, family responsibilities, and looking after ill family members and the house can push you over the edge. This can hinder your chances to lose 1-2 stone in 12 weeks.
If this isn’t managed, it can turn to disrupting you stress hormones, which leads to:
- Drinking wine on the sofa finishing work that didn’t get done
- Eating a whole sharing bag of chocolate every night
- Mindlessly munching through an entire bag of crisps and biscuits!
Think of it like a bath with the taps always on, but the plug is in. You need to take the plug out to avoid it overflowing!
There’s lots of different ways to do this. We do this inside our Fit Over 40 program using a process called the Stress Shield. This is a daily mindset routine that takes 7-8 minutes a day and avoids stress levels becoming too high!
Stop struggling alone
At the end of the day, if you knew how to get results on your own, you’d have already got them!
Just like it can be difficult to stay motivated when you’re working from home on your own, it can be really difficult to stay motivated to exercise and eat well when you’re doing it all by yourself… especially if you don’t know what you’re doing.
And when you’re over 40, it’s a new challenge that can be hard to figure out. Your hormones are different, so it requires a different approach. Your lifestyle is busier and more stressful than ever… and it’s very easy to throw in the towel during a busy stressful week.
In our experience there are two things which can help if you’re in this situation:
- Firstly, being part of a group of like-minded women on the same mission, so you don’t have to struggle alone
- Secondly, having someone to help you, guide you and keep you accountable to getting the results you want… and take all the stress and uncertainty out of the process!
And that’s exactly what our clients get when they join Fit Over 40. These factors are why our clients typically lose 1-2 stone every 12 weeks!
If you’re interested in finding a long-term, sustainable diet designed for women over 40, you can find out more about working with us here!