Hitting forty doesn’t mean you can’t achieve your goals. We reveal 5 menopause weight loss mistakes to avoid in your 40s.

Struggling to lose weight as you turn 40? You’re not alone. We’ve worked with thousands of women over 40 who weren’t seeing any movement on the scales – no matter what they tried.

For many of our clients, not seeing any progress was starting to have a big impact on their confidence and self esteem. This made it difficult for them to enjoy life to the fullest.

From no longer being able to wear your favourite clothes to choosing clothes to cover problem areas, being in this position isn’t nice. 

But despite all of that, we’ve helped these women to remove the barriers that were blocking them from seeing results.

They were then able to quickly and easily get the scales moving, lose the excess weight, and regain their confidence!

In our previous blog, we outlined three of the top five menopause weight loss mistakes to avoid in your forties. Here, we reveal the final reasons that hold women back around menopause.

We share our top strategies which have helped over 6,000 women to drop 1-2 dress sizes, fit back into all their favourite clothes, and feel incredible wearing anything they like in just 12 weeks!

You can also listen to more tips on our podcast.

4. Ignoring an essential: mindset

It’s common for women over 40 to have negative thoughts when trying to lose weight. Thoughts like “it’s not working,” “it’s different for me,” or “screw it” can be detrimental and this is an important menopause weight loss mistake to avoid.

Thinking this way makes it all too easy to give in when life gets hard or stressful. For example, on days when work goes on late and it’s tempting to order a takeaway rather than get a healthy ready meal.

So, what can people do instead?

We recommend you use mindset tools to put your head in the right place every day, so you can be consistent. This is what turns you into one of those “fit people” that you want to be!

We do this with our clients throughout their journey, focusing specifically on it in the second phase of our program using a tool called the Stress Shield. This helps women stay consistent, no matter what life throws at them.

5. Lacking accountability

Perhaps one of the biggest mistakes we see women make when looking to make progress is lacking accountability.

Accountability is having someone checking up on you and making sure you do what you said you’d do. Because let’s face it, when you’re stressed, tired, and have had a bad week, it’s easy to let yourself down.

Having someone to be accountable to is a must.

Without someone to say “did you do what you said you’ll do?” it’s all too easy to give up after a hard day.

We like to believe we can do it on our own, and maybe you could when you were younger. But if you could do it now, you’d have already done it.

Doing it alone is hard! It’s EASY to fail in private, as there are no short-term repercussions to giving up.

So, in order to succeed with any difficult achievement in life, accountability is essential.

You need someone who’s keeping an eye on what you’re doing, and checking in with you every week.

Accountability is just one of the reasons our clients see such fantastic results, as every member of our Fit Over 40 program is assigned a coach who they check in with every week. 

If you’d like to find out more about how Trinity can help you, click here.

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