Watch the video below and then follow the instructions below it.


  1. Lighting – use natural light by standing in front of a window (or as close as you can, facing it)
  2. Angle – place your smartphone at eye level and landscape (sideways)
  3. Sound – speak up and make sure the microphone is not covered

Note: You may need to move a table and some boxes in front of the window to get the angle and lighting right.


Answer the following 4 questions in your video (no need to stop the recording in-between, just make sure you’re looking at the camera when talking):

  1. Who are you (name, age, situation and job)?
  2. Where were you before joining TRINITY?
    • Start with: “Before joining TRINITY I was…”
    • Talk about weight or dress size as well as how it made you feel and how that was impacting the rest of your life
  3. What had you tried before?
    • What programmes or plans have you tried to lose weight and improve your fitness before
  4. What were you skeptical about before joining?
    • You can be honest here!
  5. What has changed in your life since joining TRINITY?
    • Start with: “Since joining TRINITY I have…”
    • Physical changes: weight loss, inch loss, dress size loss, flatter stomach, toned bum, increase in strength etc…
    • Other changes: Confidence, impact on work, family life, social life, clothes shopping, holidays etc…


All you need to do now is…

  1. Schedule in a time to do this (shouldn’t take more than 15 mins)
  2. Set up your phone using the Setup instructions above and press record
  3. Answer the questions above and record a 3-5 minute video
  4. Send the video to Rob via Workplace chat or similar (if you’re unsure how to do this, ask Rob) – you can see how to do this below: