The Fit Over 40 Podcast by TRINITY
The Fit Over 40 Podcast by TRINITY
Ep 330 - Fasting: They're Lying To You About It's Effectiveness Around Menopause

For a lot of women over 40, fasting can end up backfiring, leaving them heavier, frustrated and defeated. Instead of shedding pounds, they end up stuck and struggling to lose weight – despite restricting themselves and putting in loads of effort. They’re left wondering if there’s something wrong with them or if this is just what happens as they age.

And after putting in all that effort, they are still stuck struggling to fit into their favourite jeans, reaching for clothes that hide instead of flatter, and watching their weight creep up and up every year.

In today’s episode, TRINITY co-founders, Rob and Ben dive into why fasting may not be the right option for you as a woman around menopause.

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