The Fit Over 40 Podcast by TRINITY
The Fit Over 40 Podcast by TRINITY
Ep 253 - Why Running Doesn’t Work For Menopause Weight Loss

We’ve worked with a lot of women in their 40s and 50s who have tried running or Couch to 5k in an attempt to lose weight and tone up around menopause.

But something we hear time and time again from these women is that they’re working really hard and pushing themselves to run further and faster but seeing no results in the mirror or on the scales!

  • Going jogging every week, sweating buckets then stepping on the scales and seeing zero movement
  • Ending up with sore knees, hips and backs which can lead to long-term injury
  • Worrying that nothing is going to get them the body they want and that the extra weight around the middle is just part of the “ageing process” (It’s not, btw!)
  • Dressing to cover up “problem areas” instead of wearing what they like

And that can be incredibly frustrating when you’re putting in all that effort but not seeing any changes.

The reason this happens is simple:

Cardio, especially running, is NOT the ideal way to lose weight and tone up when you’re over 40.

In today’s podcast, Trinity co-founders Rob & Ben delve into the truth about cardio and reveal the exercise plan used within our Fit Over 40 Private Coaching clients that has helped them :

  • Drop 2 dress sizes
  • Feel AMAZING in all their clothes
  • Regain their confidence

all in just a matter of 12 weeks!

If You Are Ready To Beat Over 40 Weight Gain, Take Back Control Of Your Health And Feel Confident Wearing Anything You Like…

We help women with high-pressure jobs to rebalance their lives and lose 1-2 stone sustainably in 84 days or less with our FIT OVER 40 method.

Click the button below to discover how it could work in your life: