The Fit Over 40 Podcast by TRINITY
The Fit Over 40 Podcast by TRINITY
Ep 237 - How Rachel Lost 50lbs As A Busy Lawyer In Her 50s

Today’s podcast is an episode with Trinity member Rachel who juggles being a partner in a law firm alongside raising two teenage daughters.

For years her career and family life had taken priority and her weight had steadily spiralled upwards peaking at 104kg or 16st 5lbs (230lbs). She had tried almost every diet out there and could lose a couple of kilos, but she could never keep it up and her weight continued to climb. She thought she just didn’t have the willpower to ever be fit and healthy and maybe she was just different.

Things peaked with an incident where she wasn’t allowed to go horse riding with her daughters on holiday as she was too heavy, and that’s when she signed up with Trinity back in September 2021. Rachel lost 10lbs in her first 4 weeks, over a stone and a half in her first 12 weeks and has gone on to lose 3st 10lbs, but what’s even more impressive is she now comes across as someone who’s always been fit and healthy, when she never saw herself like that until now. She’s regularly playing tennis at her local tennis club, she’s actually enjoying seeing her muscles in the mirror and feels like finally she’s setting a good example to her teenage daughters.

However, it wasn’t all plain sailing, with her realising early on she had a problem with emotional eating due to the immense work stress she was under, as well as injuring her back in her first 4 weeks.

In today’s episode, Rachel shares how she overcame all of that, lost nearly 4 stone in her 50s around menopause and whilst still working full time as a lawyer with tons of travel and work events.

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