Today’s podcast is an interview with Trinity member Emma. Emma is 44 and she’s very busy! She works full time in the healthcare industry, often in back-to-back Teams meetings all day, and on top of that is a mum to two energetic young boys.
Emma thought she had a pretty healthy lifestyle, doing spinning and HIIT workouts, but despite that her weight kept creeping up and up and nothing she tried seemed to work to get the weight moving in the right direction.
However, since joining Trinity Emma’s lost 10kg (1.5 stone) whilst going through lockdowns and homeschooling, and she’s even maintained her progress over a busy summer with lots of social events where she’s being showered by compliments from friends and family. She’s also fitter and stronger than ever, and her newfound confidence has led to going for a new job role she’d never have gone for before.
In this episode Emma reveals exactly how she did all that and much more!
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