Date DD slash MM slash YYYY
Which review is this?* Hidden
Which 90-day challenge is this?* Hidden
Week Number
How did the last 4 weeks go?* Amazing! Glad that things are going well at the moment. Now let’s celebrate those wins and achievements below. The most important factor in getting results is keeping going – progress not perfection! Consistent weeks add up to good results in the long term 🙂 Let’s review the past week and work through your current struggles to go from good to great next month. Don’t worry, being a little off track is all a part of the process. Let’s focus purely on working through your struggles together so you can get back on track! Let us know what you are struggling with at the moment and we’ll do everything we can to help you out. SCORES LIST WORKOUTS: How many have you completed this MONTH?* This means the number of TRINITY LIST workouts or other Low-Impact Strength Training workouts for 30 minutes or longer.
NUTRITION: How many days have you stuck to it this past MONTH?* Week 1-2 this means the Diet Makeover (FULL days completed) Weeks 3-onwards this means full days tracking everything you ate and drank
MINDSET: How many days have you completed your "Stress Shield" this past MONTH? If you have not reached this stage of the programme, ignore this for now!
PROGRESS Where have you seen progress this month?* Don’t worry if your weight or measurements haven’t changed as much as you’d have liked yet. Everyone has plateaus on their journey, and when we have this data, we’ll be able to help you break through any plateaus and start seeing those changes you want to see as quickly as possible.
Weight (Optional) Enter your latest weight below, which will be recorded in your account and charts will be displayed on the next page (if not booking a phone call), and in the “More” section of the program which you can access at any time. If you feel like you’ve not had a good month or week, then this is not essential. You can always update your weight manually in the “More” section of the program at a later date.
Unit of Measurement Current Weight (Kgs) Number only, no units e.g. 92.5
Current Weight In Stone Whole number only, no units e.g. 16
Current Weight In Pounds Number only, no units e.g. 13.1
Measurements (Recommended) Enter your latest measurements below, which will be recorded in your account and charts will be displayed on the next page (if not booking a phone call), and in the “More” section of the program which you can access at any time. We recommend doing this every 4 weeks, as this is the best measure of improved body composition (far better than weight!).
Waist measurement Measure around your middle just above your belly button. Number only, no units e.g. 42.5 (can be in either cm or inches).
Hips measurement With heels together, measure around the widest part of your hips and bum. Number only, no units (can be in either cm or inches).
Bust measurement Measure under your arms and around the fullest part of your bust. Number only, no units (can be in either cm or inches).
Left thigh measurement Measure the circumference of the fullest part of your thigh. Number only, no units (can be in either cm or inches).
Right thigh measurement Measure the circumference of the fullest part of your thigh. Number only, no units (can be in either cm or inches).
Left bicep measurement With your arm by your side, measure the circumference of the fullest part of your arm, roughly two fingers below your armpit. Number only, no units (can be in either cm or inches).
Right bicep measurement With your arm by your side, measure the circumference of the fullest part of your arm, roughly two fingers below your armpit. Number only, no units (can be in either cm or inches).
How has your weight CHANGED since Week 1? E.g. If you started at 100kg and are now 80kg, put 20kg. If you are not tracking your weight, skip this step.
How have your measurements CHANGED since Week 1?* E.g. If you started with a waist measurement of 50 inches and it’s now 40 inches, your change in waist measurement is -10 inches since you started the programme.
How have your measurements CHANGED over the past 4 weeks?* E.g. If you started the month with a waist measurement of 45 inches and it’s now 40 inches, your change in waist measurement is -5 inches for the past 4 weeks.
What are your biggest wins from the past month?* List everything you can think of, even if it’s not related to fitness! Think energy, mindset, food/drink choices, workouts, self belief, clothes fitting better, career, family or anything else!
Have we adjusted your Nutrition Targets?
Progress photo [FRONT] (Recommended) ATTACH a side-by-side progress photo comparing you now (on the right) vs. you when you started (on the left). If you’re not sure on how to do a “side-by-side progress photo”,
CLICK HERE for a quick guide.
Progress photo [SIDE] (Recommended)
How would you rate your Energy & Mindset over the past 4 weeks? 1 = couldn’t be worse, 10 = better than I could have imagined!
What has improved in this area (Energy & Mindset) specifically this past month?
How would you rate the Quality of Your Food & Drink Choices over the past 4 weeks? 1 = couldn’t be worse, 10 = better than I could have imagined!
What has improved in this area (Quality of Your Food & Drink choices) specifically this past month?
How would you rate your Workout Consistency, Strength & Fitness over the past 4 weeks? 1 = couldn’t be worse, 10 = better than I could have imagined!
What has improved in this area (Workout Consistency, Strength & Fitness) specifically this past month?
How would you rate your Self-Belief & Self-Confidence over the past 4 weeks? 1 = couldn’t be worse, 10 = better than I could have imagined!
What has improved in this area (Self-Belief & Self-Confidence) specifically this past month?
Where were you before joining TRINITY?* Weight/dress size as well as how it made you feel and how that was impacting the rest of your life (family, work etc…)
What had you tried before?* What programmes or plans have you tried to lose weight and improve your fitness before?
What were you skeptical about before joining?* You can be honest here!
What has changed in your life since joining TRINITY?* Physical changes: total weight loss, key inch losses, dress size changes, flatter stomach, toned body parts, increase in strength etc… Other changes: Confidence, impact on work, family life, social life, clothes shopping, holidays etc…
Help & Support What didn't work so well this month?* Remember: Nothing is right or wrong, good or bad, it is what it is (you can’t change the past) but being honest with yourself is the first step to getting what you want.
What's the ONE THING you could change next month to improve your results?* From what you’ve learned so far, what’s the one thing you think you need to do to improve your results? Don’t worry if you’re unsure – we’re here to help 🙂
Feedback For Us How would you rate the program and your overall experience with TRINITY so far?* Hidden
How would you rate the service and coaching you've received from Trinity so far? Make your selection…. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
What could we do better? What could be improved? If you didn’t rate either of the above 10/10, please let us know why! Your feedback is really important to us and we review every single response as it helps us to improve.
Would you like to leave us a testimonial?* If you’ve had an amazing experience with the programme so far, we’d LOVE to hear about it. This really helps us spread the word so we can help as many women as possible to achieve their goals 🙂 By leaving a testimonial, you agree for us to share your words and optional progress photo on our website, marketing emails and social media.
Testimonial What is your name and background?* How would you like to be referred to and what is your age, location and career?
Why did you choose to join Fit Over 40?* Where were you before you signed up and what ultimately pushed you to join the programme and make a change?
What other approaches had you tried before joining?* What programmes, plans or diets had you tried in the past and what results had you seen from these?
What has changed in your life since joining Fit Over 40?* What specific physical results have you seen? E.g. lost 1 stone, lost 10 inches from waist, hips and thighs, dropped a dress size, flatter stomach, toned body parts, increase in strength etc… What other changes have you seen? E.g. Increased confidence, fitting into clothes impact on work, family life, social life, clothes shopping, holidays etc…
What advice would you give to someone thinking of joining Fit Over 40?*
(Optional) Share your progress photo By uploading your progress photo, you agree for us to share your words and optional progress photo on our website, marketing emails and social media.
Are you happy for us to share your opinions about the program?* Your comments may be shared on our website, daily emails and/or social media
How would you like us to refer to you?* Hidden
Are you happy for us to share your progress photos?* Your results may be shared on our website, daily emails and/or social media, but only if you explicitly select “Yes” below.