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And Whilst You’re Here, Why Not…
Check Out The Incredible Results Hundreds Of Women Are Achieving Inside Our Fit Over 40 Program Right Now…
Transformed Her Mindset!
“I wanted to become lean in a healthy and sustainable way with a programme that featured training, and which would make me think about what I was eating, and would help me with my mindset. I have lost 30.25 inches over my body, and 26.4kg reduction in my weight. My confidence has gone through the roof and I feel so much happier now in my own skin. Trinity is everything to me, it has become a way of life!” – Caroline Wood
Got A Body She’s Proud Of!
“I ended last year miserable and unhappy with the way I looked. I’ve always wanted to become lean and strong but just never had the confidence or the knowledge to make the changes until I came across TRINITY.” – Laura Sneddon
Feels Amazing About Herself!
“Before I started TRINITY I was a size 14 and the heaviest I have been as I’d had my third daughter 3 months earlier. I felt tired, heavy, embarrassed about my size and helpless. I have lost 7kg and 16 inches over 3 months which feels fantastic and I never would have achieved it without this programme. It is just the right balance of accountability and structure and flexibility to make it sustainable.” – Toni Wells

Strong, Sexy, Toned & Confident!
“I am flabbergasted at the changes in the way my body looks and how I feel. This programme has helped me achieve things I never ever thought possible. Having been miserable with my body for 20 years, I now feel sexy and confident, have dropped to a size 14 top and bottom, and am even developing abs! Trinity is the best thing I have ever done and sustainable” – Naomi Chadwick
Loving Her Life Again!
“When I started I was a very tight 12 (who am I kidding I was a size 14). It was the biggest and heaviest I’d been since having children and it was soul destroying to feel and look so uncomfortable. Mentally I feel like a different person it’s not just the weight lost or the inches that disappear that gives you that boost it’s the confidence. Trinity gives you or rather teaches you in food and life choices. My husband has said that he’s got his wife back the woman who loved life and lived life and it’s Trinity who helped me to be that person again so thank you.” – Tracey Winney
Lost Weight & Feels Great!!
“Before starting TRINITY I was a size 12 and weight was going up I was about 10 stone and felt very wobbly and in need of shaping up. I was feeling little fed up and needed help. Now I feel great!! I have lost a little weight and I have lost inches from my waist, hips and bust,! I’m looking after myself and love the food and exercises I have been doing, I’m feeling a lot leaner and stronger and love the way my clothes are fitting now.” – Claire Watkins
Over The Moon With Her Results
“"I’m over the moon with my results after 12 weeks. I’ve lost 13lbs so still got about the same to lose again but really pleased with my loss so far. I’m going on holiday today but will start the next phase when I come back as am looking forward to achieving my goals.” – Alisa Jewitt
Alisa, 41, is a busy working mum of 2 works with a stressful job. Before she joined Trinity she was exercising 3 times a week and trying to eat healthily but nothing seemed to be working any more, and she didn't really have the time to be exercising every day or cooking multiple meals a day for everyone in her family on top of her busy career. Now she's lost a stone and can't wait to go on holiday and wear what she wants for once!
So Much Happier & More Energetic
“Since joining trinity my energy levels have increased and I have found my confidence improved I want this to continue and for my children to have a fit mum. I am so much happier when I train, eat well and have a good mindset. I now have a totally different way of thinking now as well as not being so hard on myself!" – Hayley Massey